
Wholesale Market Design & Analysis

Over the past two decades, the electric market has undergone significant structural changes with the creation and spread of Independent System Operators (ISOs), Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs), competitive generation, imbalance markets and other organized markets.

Experts at FTI Consulting have been involved in the development of these complex systems since the 1990s and continue to provide advisory work to RTOs/ISOs and market participants as leading experts in the field.

FTI Consulting’s work in the organized markets spans market design and analysis at the RTO/ISO level, RTO/ISO entry and exit advisory for utilities or other members, and intervenor representation work in RTO/ISO-related proceedings at the state and federal level. The Power, Renewables & Energy Transition team’s deep expertise in these areas provides a level of understanding unique to FTI’s core experts that allows comprehensive and comparative analysis and guidance across US and foreign electric regions.

A sample of the breadth of our service offerings in the Wholesale Market Design & Analysis space is represented by the following:

  • Policy & regulation
  • Power market price forecasts
  • Policy evaluation
  • Compliance
  • Governance